So leave it to me to join something last minute and not understand the directions fully! I went BACK to the site and now know I need an OFFICIAL blog party post! hehe so here it is! For everyone new to my blog disregard the first two sentences!

SO HI!! Welcome to "A Walk in My Shoes..." I am a wife of 5 years to a wonderful man of God (see the picture of him kissing me? hehe, isn't he cute?!), and mother to 2 toddlers: a boy, 4 yrs old (almost 5) and a girl, 3 yrs. old. My husband and I are youth pastors at a fairly large Cowboy Church in Montgomery, TX and if you are stopping to ask what the heck is a cowboy church just click
here and find out! Besides that FULL time job I am an avid scrapbooker and photographer! I am very outgoing and love going new places, meeting new people and just exploring period. I blog about things that intrigue me - books I've read, what my four year old asked his daddy last night, the BEST toilet cleaner in the world! (yes that post DOES exist). I also typically post
yummy recipes, complete with photos, at LEAST once a month but can be four a week! You just never know. And thus my life - you just never know! Want to see some pictures of recipes I've posted??? Okay you twisted my arm:

I said I'd never live in Texas but after being here 5 years am finally thinking it WOULD be cute to take pictures of my kids in the Bluebonnets and I DO enjoy Moolenium Crunch Blue Bell Ice I will survive here.
This is my first year at The Ultimate Blog Party hosted by
5 Minutes for Mom and if you've never heard of it or are not in on the action you MUST go check it out! Just click on the button above. If a MASSIVE blog party doesn't already peak your interest then how about fabulous PRIZES! And LOTS OF THEM! That's better huh? Here is what I would like if I win:
2. US#75 = $100 Gift Card to given by
StompermomBesides those top 3 picks (can you tell I have books to buy at here is the other great gifts I'd like IN THE ORDER I list them in!
US#11, US#95, US#96, #USC15, #USC27, #US56, #USC30, #USC53, #USC43, #USC13, #USC3, US#4, US#16, US#20, USC#57, USC#19, US#84, US#107, US#70, US#32, US#50, US#52, US#61, US#102, US#76, US#31, US#14, US#35, US#69, US#8, US#47
Yes I looked through EVERY single prize post! But you couldn't tell I know! But hey it allowed me to visit most of their blogs too so yay for them!
I'm also giving away a prize! It's a Creative Memories Mini PicFolio Gift Boxed Set. It includes 2 albums - red and blue and comes in an adorable little display box with a drawer for each album! Just go on over to
5 Minutes for Mom and get in on the
prizes and making new blog friends during the
Ultimate Blog Party 2010!