Monday, September 15, 2008

Just so you know

Hey guys,
I have not been on in a long time and may not be on very often for awhile. But I wanted to let you know our home did not suffer any damage from Hurricane Ike. Our fence did get a little but Nick and his Dad have already fixed it. The kids and I are at my brother's in San Antonio until further notice and are considering going to my parents until we know we have electricity back up.

Nick is at our house in Willis and there is no power anywhere to be seen besides one gas station that has a generator backup power system. However there is no gas, water, food really anywhere to be found. Nick will be bringing his parents to San Antonio tommorow to catch a rerouted flight out of here and will be stocking up on gas and water before returning to help our neighbors. Our neighbor right across from us had a tree take out the back wall of their home so they are in pretty bad shape. The neighborhood is helping out by passing out meat to everyone before it spoils and one will take a trip to get FEMA food and supplies and will come pass it out to everyone.

Entergy has 99% of their customers without electricity and it may take weeks to restore it all. There isn't a whole lot else I can think of to let you know right now and you have probably already seen, heard or read most of what I can tell you from the news. So I am just writing to ask for prayer for us and our area. It is in pretty bad shape and may be for at least a couple more weeks. If you have any specific questions about anything regarding Hurricane Ike damage or restoration you can ask and I'll try to answer as best I can. I am in contact with Nick back in Willis, however it is VERY hard to get through on cell phones right now. Anyways hope everyone is okay and I'll TRY to keep you updated. Thank you for your prayers.

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