Monday, January 18, 2010

Jewelry Giveaway

I have SO many posts to catch up on from over the holidays but was busy entertaining family. I will get to them soon though and here is what you can look forward to:

Princess Cupcakes How-To

Lion King - Is it really true???

Our trip to the zoo on a rainy day

But in the meantime to keep you occupied and blog-hopping here is a great jewelry giveaway for you to peek at over at Cassie and Co. blog.

And also if you are a reader and go through books like napkins here is a cool new blog I found that not only reviews books but finds other interesting blog posts on books, does giveaways of awesome things like KINDLE II's!! and even throws some humor in the mix. It has kept my interest at least: Bibliofreak

Until next time...

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