Monday, January 10, 2011

365 of Me - Days 7, 8, 9 & 10

Wow I'm so excited I just found some fellow Project 365'ers!! Quickly I'd like to add their links in case any of my readers are interesting in joining this fun quest!

1. Sara Bowyer @ Make music from your heart to the Lord - this blog includes a link up to fellow Project 365'ers and also a button of Project 365 for your blog sidebar!!

2. Barbie @ My Freshly Brewed Life - I have followed this blog for quite some time and my jaw dropped when she included that she was also doing a Project 365 in her Miscellany Monday post!

Okay on with my photos...
Day 7
The night before my daughter's 4th birthday party I stayed up until midnight hanging paper lanterns and painting empty coke cans Tinkerbell Lime Green! Oh AND adding glitter...of course!
Day 8
My hubby can be SO stinkin' creative with the camera and I am always amazed at the unique eye he has through that lens. I wish he would do more because he really does have natural talent. Anyways enough bragging here was a "Down the Streamers" pic he captured of me right before the party started!
Day 8..still
Okay sorry but I LOVED this picture of my best friend, Julie, and I that we took after all the guests had finally left and we both sighed a sigh of relief. *Sigh*
Day 9
This picture I giggled when I took because it was me sitting in my car on the drive home from the restaurant on Sunday afternoon. But I thought, "this is interesting and unique to me -what is on my lap and at my feet in the car" So here is what is on my lap: my bible - a small cute leather one I like to haul to church because it's lightweight and well cute, and my kindle - my Christmas present from my honey!! At my feet: to the left is my new purse that a teenager and his mom from our youth group gave me for Christmas and to my right which you can barely see is a plastic bag which holds our leftover sushi and my son's chicken strips. Oh and did I mention because it was DOWN POURING for like 24 hours I had on my black and white "oh so cute" rain boots??!! OK well now I mentioned it.
Day 10
This is by far my favorite so far! I was home already (realizing it was pajama day at my work which is also my daughter's school and SHOULD have taken a cute picture of her and I at school in our jammies but with the realization that I'm not as good at capturing moments in life as I once believed and my daughter in bed I grabbed my camera and just started thinking. This is what I came up with - one of my favorite features of myself. And back off I'm not egotistical or anything like that I just know that God created every single person beautifully and creatively and that I should like His creation and appreciate it. And I do. I love the deep brown eyes God gave me and my whole family and now my children (being that brown in a dominant eye color)! And I also love close up photos of just about anything. The above picture used the Pioneer Woman Photoshop "Colorized" Action so I actually posted the original colored photo below too.

I loved the eye picture so much I will actually be doing a "first-time" post on my blog tomorrow using a similar photo I took while getting this one. Maybe it will help someone or perhaps it will just serve the purpose of keeping things completely random on this blog! Either way I'm happy!

1 comment:

  1. Great party decorations. Loved your photos! You are doing far better than me! I haven't taken a photo so far this week (since Saturday). But I am hoping to get better!
