Thursday, February 10, 2011

365 of Me - jumbled update

Okay it's late and I've been studying and reading for my college class, thus I feel lazy. So I'm going to update my 365 of Me Project in an un-orderly fashion. If this bugs you, close the screen now. Okay you had your chance. Here goes:

January 25th
KSBJ - our local Christian Radio Station hosted a FREE Brown Bag Concert (an outdoor concert at a Chic-Fil-A) with Brandon Heath! Woohoo! Wasn't gonna miss this one - especially since this was only 15 minutes from my home! Before the show I got a pic with the Chic-Fil-A cow!
January 27th

This is me holding my...drum roll please...My Italian Family Recipe for Minestrone Soup! One of my New Year's resolutions was to cook recipes from my family heritage cookbook (try to do one a month) and for January it was "Luisa's Minestrone" It took literally ALL day and I'm actually in my work out clothes above because I left to work out and came back to finally finish up this absolutely DELICIOUS best Minestrone soup I've ever had!!

January 20th (?I think?) Is all I remember is I was having a bad day and didn't want to take a picture so I snapped one not caring that my emotions OBVIOUSLY showed. I'm human. I'm allowed to get upset.

January 24th
Daddy was at Monday night church so it's our "kid-meal" night. We did a home-made pizza with Pioneer Woman's Pizza Crust dough recipe (tried it here for the first time). It turned out fabulous!
My little mini-cooks are great help!

January 23rd
I'm doing laundry on Sunday afternoon. Yep that's my day-to-day regular life.

January 25th
I received my Beth Moore "Siesta Memory Scripture Memory Team" spiral notebook in the mail from a fellow Siesta blogger!! Was SO excited!! Thanks Sheri! You can check out her blog here: The Leaking Window
(I HAD to let my daughter take a picture w/ me too!)

January 18th
Here was the picture I was missing because it was on my phone! It's me and Gracie at the library gettin' us some new books to read at bedtime.
And that's all I could find and download before I got too rummy to do homework anymore. They are out of order, missing days and just downright jumbled. Sorry - I'll at least apologize. But I won't change it. It is what it is. I'm tired. Goodnight.

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