Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crunch Time

Can you tell I'm in the last couple weeks of my class?? I have passed my Mid-Term and am now in the final two week stretch of the current class I'm taking in college. Which is why I've almost been absent from my blog. However, I finished up my homework tonight and figured I could afford a quick post. And since I'm WAY behind (only like a month right?) I think I better do a few 365 of Me Project Pictures! So here are a few.

January 29th

A very good friend of mine, Jenna Hardin (yes I must brag that she is a former Miss New Mexico), got hitched to her best friend on January 29th and I was not about to miss it! It was right over the Guadalupe River in the Hill Country of Texas - divine. So I grabbed my honey and got a couple pics with the beautiful river in the background.
January 30th
My mother-in-law is too organized! She already got her Valentine's out! Man I wish I was that good.

February 2nd

I realized a lot of my pictures are taken in my kitchen. And to be honest I'm sick of seeing it in the pictures. So I cropped it out! (Smile) And if I do say so myself I look like a model in a magazine showing off the winter line (this is Texas winter but still I had to snap this picture to show I actually had to get a hat, scarf and mittens and everything out!!)

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