Sunday, April 3, 2011
I seem to always have excuses for not posting yet this one you may actually give to me. And I realize by choosing what I did for the title of this post that my best friend back home is already freaking out asking herself a million questions of who has cancer and why am I posting about it. No I do not have cancer. Feel better Jaci? However my mother-in-law did. About a month ago (thus the no posting last month) we got that dreaded phone call saying that my husband's mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Adernocarcinoma to be exact. (Did I spell that right? I'm truly not sure) Anyhow it is a lung cancer and a very aggressive one. So we waited another week for her to get her PETscan and then hear what the plan of action would be. So one week later we get the call on how the PETscan results came out: It has consumed her body. Words that no one ever wants to hear. Especially as fearful as everyone has become of this dreaded disease. However our family serves THE Mighty God, THE Healer of all and we had no fear. She CHOSE to rely on God as her source and Provider and Healer especially after her son (not my husband - the other one) found a verse in 1 Kings 18:21 which says, "...How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." God is God. And God is Healer and we should have no fear. We took the family up to South Dakota - which God provided all the details and ways for us to do this trip so perfectly that all of that is a testimony in itself - but we went to see them and help them. I cooked and cleaned so Cathy could rest and Nick helped his dad with his church services. My father-in-law is a pastor in South Dakota and does circuit preaching (drives to several locations each week to hold services because of the distance between people out there). It was a great week, Cathy got the rest and fresh food she needed, got to be encouraged and cheered up by her grand kids and we got to come together as a family to fight the spiritual fight of this whole ordeal. Her faith is incredible! She would NOT allow herself to think any negative thoughts, not ONE. She had a CD player (yep old school CD player) playing in one earphone all day - she took her "treatments", which was reading and speaking the Word of God over her life and claiming the healing promises. Not to mention she had praise music on 24/7, it never got turned off. It was awesome! And I'm proud to say that she let us all know this past Monday that she FELT the cancer leave her body! She is healed and is on her way to building her strength back up! Don't you dare tell me God doesn't STILL do miracles and don't you DARE tell me something is impossible for Him - He is God of ALL and He can heal ALL. Period.
THE Mighty God, THE Healer of all and we had no fear. She CHOSE to rely on God as her source and Provider and Healer especially after her son (not my husband - the other one) found a verse in 1 Kings 18:21 which says, "...How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; treat cancer in india