Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gobza - the latest and GREATEST coupon deals EVER!!

OK, have you heard of...
If you are a coupon junkie you will not want to miss this one!! Seriously! This is a brand new company that just launched and is similar to Groupon and such but ALSO allows you to make money back (on top of the incredible coupon deals)!! My husband and I signed up and I really am impressed with the deals!
Here are some examples of offers that are on Gobza right now:
1. $20 off a $40 purchase at Ray's Grill. Buy this coupon for $2. You just saved $18!!
2. For a $10 coupon you can get $125 dollars off eyelash extensions worth $200!
3. You can get a buy one get one free haircut for a $1.25 coupon.
4. Buy a $30 coupon to get $500 off a new A/C System!! Yes $500!!
I mean seriously cool! Anyways if you want to check out more just click here for a quick video. If you want to know ALL about Gobza watch this video, a little longer but SO helpful! 
And then if you are just as sold as I am on these great deals (not to mention the extra money back in my pocket when my friends use Gobza) then just follow this link to sign up yourself:
My GobzaLink™:
It's your personal invitation from me to you - so you can't say you didn't know!!

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