Friday, August 23, 2013

Things in front of me...

During the summer while we impatiently awaited getting into our new home, I was bored one morning and so started snapping pics on my iPhone. Doesn't everyone do that when they're bored??

I played around with the editing of them, then put them into PicFrame, an awesomely cool APP for any photo freak out there, and gave it a title: "Things in front of me right now". Creative huh?

I was bored, don't judge me. But it really was cool and so I wanted to share it on here.

In case you are wondering that green goodness on my plate was freshly roasted Hatch green chile with a little bit of gooey cheesy goodness inside!! It was heaven to this New Mexican girl's taste buds!

So what beauty is right in front of you??

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