Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Gift in a Jar

Here is a cute and inexpensive gift idea:

1. Round up a large and a small mason jar (if you're like me they're in abundance around my house)

2. Buy inexpensive but cute little gifts you know your recipient will love and enjoy! Ideas include jewelry from Forever 21, tea bags, individual drink mixes, bookmarks, magnets, nail polish... Anything that will for through the top! (I used the wide lid for this reason)

3. Buy either a scarf or handkerchief to stuff halfway down and let the rest drape out the back of the jar. Fill it up with your goodies! 

4. Fill the small jar with a food item they love, be it healthy granola or M&M's or gum just something cheap but yummy!! 

5. All that's left is placing a sweet card in front of it and leaving for them to find!! (And yes flowers are optional but a nice touch don't you think?!)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mrs. Poison. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger and I am also glad to stop by your blog "A walk in my shoes" and the post on it "Gift in a Jar". Very throughful suggestions and ideas regarding how your gift in a jar can be pleasing to the one whom you give it. Well let me share some more other than comment on your blog post. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 35yrs inthe gtreat city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing tot he broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short term missions trip to work with us during their summer vacation. We would love to have young people coming from your church to work with us. Recently I was in Dallas, Texas and would have been so glad to meet your husband to see the possibility of your young people coming to work with us in the slums of Mumbai amongst poorest of poor. I am sure those who will come will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon.
