I lied. I know, it's wrong. However I would like to make this entire post and then at the end explain to you why I lied. And honestly I think you will agree. Yes I am justifying my sin. Just go with it for a second, it will make me feel better.
Okay to my post which is titled "Lemon Cakes". I have done WAY to much food blog-hopping lately which has resulted in a couple pounds added to my weight, as well as an explosion on my taste buds! We are talking GOOD STUFF here. I posted on my beef stew and Rosemary Dinner Rolls. A couple other things I have experimented with have been Orange Julius', Oreo & White Chocolate Chip Brownies, and...yes there were more but there was enough sugar in the last two to spare you the rest of my list. Ooh I did balance out with trying Steel Cut Oats! Which I highly recommend also! (They are also referred to as Irish oats which I found fitting with St. Patrick's Day next week) But one experiment was these "Lemon Cakes". They were SO yummy and delicious and you make them in a very unique way which is what caught my attention in the first place. With no further ado...
And I honestly planned on having the entire recipe right HERE for you to print out but my computer is playing ornery with me so instead I have a link to the blog Pioneer Woman that I got it from. It's actually cool because she gives a step by step with a picture per step for you! So go over there and TRY it! It's worth it! (Either link will take you straight to the cakes)
Okay now if you went to the link before reading the rest of this post you may have already figured out my lie. They are NOT called Lemon Cakes. Yet my argument is they should be. The name they have makes them sounds awful and NOT inviting and as yummy as these things are they SO DESERVE a yummy sounding name! These unique cakes are made with olive oil and so their true name is Olive Oil Cakes w/ Lemon and Thyme. Okay. Do you see my point? Nuff said.
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